The resulting MW comic is a bit "funky," (HAHA! See what I did there?) but it still somewhat works within its original "romantic" context.

Putting the "F-U" in "Funky Winkerbean."
Once upon a time, the comic strip "Funky Winkerbean" was a pleasant little daily funnie about a high school and their band director. Now it has become a veritable "soap opera" strip, akin to such two-panel wonders as "Mary Worth" and "Rex Morgan, MD." In fact, the nature of the comics are so similar that when the dialog is swapped between any given comic strip of the soap opera genre and any given recent "Funky Winkerbean" strip, the change in quality and context is virtually unnoticeable.
In short, I take a strip from something like "Mary Worth" or "Rex Morgan MD" and swap its dialog with the dialog from a "Funky Winkerbean" strip, demonstrating how little difference there is between the two. Observe.
But if people stop reading the strip, won't papers stop carrying it, or could he start making dialog out of phone book listings and still keep getting published?People are tricked into thinking what Batiuk is saying through his strip is actually important and relevant when it's not. It kind of reminds me of the Trope "What Do You Mean, It's Not Didactic?" where "high art" is declared and you're supposed to appreciate it (especially if you don't enjoy it) because it says something about something. Or something. Kinda like a fine wine tastes like bitter swill when you're a kid because you haven't developed the proper taste for it. But maybe the wine didn't end up being Louis chardonnay, maybe it ended up being Night Train Express, which is supposed to be a rendition of a red wine but ironically must be consumed "Served Very Cold." In other words, it wasn't you. It actually was bad. ...Oh, and did I mention that my friend in the quote above is a survivor of two types of cancer? Because he is. And he still think FW is terrible.
OTL says:
September 14th, 2009 at 10:42 amI suppose we need to get this one out of the way early: “death and cancer”? Westview High is doing “Funky Winkerbean: The Play”, I guess?
Perky Bird says:
September 14th, 2009 at 11:03 am“How dare you put on a play about death and cancer! Talk of such subjects has no place in a high school! Leave it in the comics, where it rightly belongs!”
Alan's Addiction says:
September 14th, 2009 at 11:11 am...I never thought I’d write this, but I’m starting to agree with “Funky Winkerbean.” More specifically, I’m starting to agree with the mutant-like fellow in the second panel, who’s protesting a play about cancer and death. The irony here is that, five years ago, I would’ve disagreed. Then I started reading “Funky Winkerbean,” and I realized that a piece obsessively focused on the horrors of mortality without any of the joys is nothing I really want to read or see.
FE says:
September 14th, 2009 at 11:26 am
FW: The mob has nothing against Lisa’s Story: The Musical as such. They’re just mad that it’s the 10th consecutive cancer play at Westview High, even though Les promised them that this year they would do Oklahoma.
TheDiva says:
September 14th, 2009 at 11:30 amFW: Umm, no. High schools have been staging things like Wit (cancer and death), The Laramie Project (homosexuality and death), and slightly modified versions of Rent (homosexuality, AIDS, and death) and Les Miserables (social injustice, death, prostitution, death, religious themes, rebellion, and oh yeah, death) for several years now. I’m not saying you don’t get disgruntled parents (although the homosexuality stuff is more likely to get hackles raised than cancer or death these days) but it’s hardly a radical thing. Sorry, Batiuk, but if you want to get on your “You just don’t like me because I’m not light and fluffy!” high horse, you’ll need a different setting for you Author Tract.
Calico says:
September 14th, 2009 at 11:39 am
FW – Pot, kettle, black.
Master Softheart says:
September 14th, 2009 at 11:45 am
FW: The ultimate self-indulgence of an artist to create a straw-man version of his critics within the scope of fiction and portray them as ignorant, small-minded fools who all right-thinking folk should despise. This method of striking back at criticism has a long and distinguished tradition in European satire, but it seldom results in particularly memorable art.
odinthor says:
September 14th, 2009 at 12:07 pm
FW. — I wonder if Señor Cartoonist will present the case fairly by having the disgruntled parents point out that every single show the school presents every year forever and ever has been about death, cancer, and other such cheerful subjects. “If you gotta do disease,” cried a lady in the back row, “can’t it be Noel Coward’s Hay Fever?”
AMC says:
September 14th, 2009 at 12:39 pm
How about a play about character based humor, and avoiding ham-handedness? Those would be brand new subjects to them, totally outside their range of experience.
Comcis Fan says:
September 15th, 2009 at 3:09 pm
Oh good, we’re being lectured and having it explained to us thigh hams. It’s about cancer, and so much more. It’s about having the visage of the deceased accompany the bereaved on a date 10 years later. It’s about the girl who almost killed herself over her high school teacher-crush growing up and coming back to work alongside him at his school after his wife died of cancer and defend the school cancer play to the thigh hams, even though he’ll be attending it with another teacher as his date, possibly on a triple car date with the visage of his late wife.
survivor says:
September 15th, 2009 at 3:20 pm
Dear [Tom] Batiuk,
When we said that your strip needed “wit” this is not what we meant.